CSE6331: Query Processing and Optimization (Spring 2002)

Monday, Wednesday 7:00-8:20pm

Room: 108 Nedderman Hall

Instructor: Leonidas Fegaras

office Nedderman Hall 301
phone 272-3629
email fegaras@cse.uta.edu
www http://lambda.uta.edu/
Office Hours Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:30pm
TA Hyoil Han, Email: hhan@cse.uta.edu, Office: Engineering Lab Hall 201, Phone: (817) 272-3752, Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 6:00-7:00pm


Class Notes:

Please use the PRN (PostScript) for printing (6 slides per page). Some of the papers (in the papers directory) are accessible from the UTA domain only.


Student Talks:

Student Research Topics and Talk Schedules
Instructions for presenters: Please put your Powerpoint slides on a floppy disk and upload them on my laptop before the beginning of class. Each talk should be at most 20 minutes long. You should practice your talk so it does not exceed 20 minutes. After the talk, be prepared for questions from the instructor and the students. Read the syllabus for more instructions.

Additional Background Reading (Not Required):

Last modified: 5/2/02 by Leonidas Fegaras